When the sun’s out in Copenhagen, you have to make the most of it.
Luckily, it’s been a great summer this year. Better yet, no matter where you are in the city, there are plenty of great places to watch the sun set. (And yes, The Round Tower is one of them, but current opening hours mean that it’s generally shut before sunset in the summer).
Here is our pick of the city’s hot spots:
The Lakes
Each of the lakes can be impressive, but I found the most striking sunset just behind the IMAX theatre.

One of Copenhagen’s lakes (photo by Mitchell Jordan)
The Black Diamond
Walking along the canal from Christianshavn metro to the Black Diamond was a great way to follow the sun and watch some of the city’s most innovative architecture take on new dimensions under an ever-changing skyscape.

En-route to the Black Diamond (photo by Mitchell Jordan)
The Opera House
Standing on this side of the water gave a great view back to the city and was much quieter, too.

The view from the Opera House (photo by Mitchell Jordan)
Well, duh, of course this one has to make it onto here. Just don’t stay here too long, and wander back along the harbour and you’ll find equally appealing sights on the way.

Nyhavn is touristy for a reason: it’s also beautiful (photograph by Mitchell Jordan)
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